Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco: A fenntartható választás a modern építőiparban

Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco: The sustainable choice in the modern construction industry

Introducing Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco

Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco emerges as a beacon of innovation in the construction industry, offering a unique combination of environmental sustainability, health benefits and cost-effectiveness. This plaster is more than a building material; is a forward-looking choice for architects, builders and home owners alike, whose aim is to improve the quality of living spaces while minimizing environmental impacts.

What type of product is Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco?

Made from pure, natural NHL lime and geo binder, Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco has the highest GreenBuilding rating of 5, reflecting its unrivaled environmental credentials. Designed to meet the highest standards of sustainability and performance, this plaster is the perfect choice for both new construction and the meticulous restoration of historic buildings.

Health and safety benefits

The health and safety benefits of Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco are profound. Its high breathability ensures that the walls can effectively manage moisture, reducing the risk of mold and bacteria growth. This plaster contributes to a healthier indoor environment, it is free of volatile organic compounds (VOC) often found in traditional building materials. The highest GBR rating guarantees safety not only for end users, but also for construction teams and workers working with Geocalce Intonaco.

Economic benefits

Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco stands out not only for its environmental and health benefits, but also for its remarkable cost-effectiveness. With a coverage projected to a thickness of approximately 13 kg/m2/cm and considering the cost of HUF 2,700 per 25 kg bag, the material offers an economical plastering solution.

A detailed calculation reveals that Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco costs HUF 1,404 per square meter per centimeter and per thickness. This figure highlights the economy of the material, making it an affordable option for a wide range of construction and renovation projects, at the expense of quality and environmental sustainability.

Cultural and traditional compliance

This plaster is not just a product; proof of Kerakoll's commitment to preserving cultural heritage. Its suitability for the restoration of historic buildings is unparalleled, offering the perfect combination of traditional aesthetics and modern performance requirements. The natural components of the material are in line with heritage principles, ensuring that historic buildings breathe and maintain their structural integrity.

Wide range of applications

The scope of application of Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco is impressively wide, suitable for the interior and exterior surfaces of residential, commercial and historic buildings. Its versatility and compatibility with different substrates make it an ideal choice for many projects, from modern urban developments to the restoration of ancient structures.

Preparation and application process

Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco is user-friendly and requires minimal preparation on the substrate. Its application process is designed to be simple, allowing for both traditional hand application and modern machine spray techniques. This flexibility of application methods ensures that plaster can be used efficiently and effectively in different construction contexts.

Performance and technical data

The technical data of Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco testify to its excellent quality and performance. Offering excellent adhesion, low thermal conductivity and high water vapor permeability, this plaster also sets standards in the construction industry in terms of durability and environmental compatibility.

Comparative analysis with other plasters

Compared to other plaster options, Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco stands out for its environmentally friendly composition, health benefits, versatility and affordability. Its commitment to sustainability, which is also proven by the best GreenBuilding certification, ensures a leading position in the field of environmentally conscious building materials.

Case studies and recommendations

The effectiveness of Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco is supported by numerous case studies and recommendations from all over the world. These real-world examples highlight the material's adaptability and effectiveness in enhancing the aesthetic and structural integrity of buildings, cementing the material's position as the preferred choice for professionals and homeowners alike.


Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco represents a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, offering a sustainable, high-quality and cost-effective solution for construction and restoration projects. Its comprehensive benefits underscore its appeal as an ideal choice for those committed to building a healthier, more sustainable future.

Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco is not just a plaster, but an expression of quality, sustainability and innovation in the construction industry. Its unrivaled 5 GreenBuilding rating, as well as its health benefits for construction workers, its wide range of applications and its cost-effectiveness firmly establish it as an excellent choice for professionals and homeowners alike.

By choosing Kerakoll Geocalce Intonaco, you are not just choosing a product, you are committing yourself to a healthier, more sustainable future.

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