Kerakoll Benesserebio

Brand:Kerakoll 🇮🇹

Thermal cell, heat-insulating, moisture-absorbing bio-plaster

16.650 Ft
Size:18 kg
In stock, can be delivered within 24-72 hours!

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✓ Reduced pollution
✓ Bacteriostatic
✓ Low VOC emissions
✓ CO2 emissions ≤ 250 g/kg
✓ Recycled regional mineral material ≥ 30%

Thermal cell, heat-insulating moisture-absorbing bio-plaster - R and T / CSII certified. Anti-mold and vapor permeable according to the EN ISO 13788 standard. It has outstanding energy efficiency. NHL 3.5 is made of natural pure lime, mineral geo-binder, natural amorphous tras and other natural ingredients. Extremely breathable. A natural product for bio-architecture. WTA certified.

It contains only natural ingredients and recycled minerals. It has natural ventilation, actively removes pollutants in the indoor air, and has a natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-mold effect. It can be recycled as inert waste.

Kerakoll Benesserebio bioplaster protects the house from damage caused by moisture. In the course of time, it permanently preserves its vaporizing and ventilating ability. It provides a warmer wall surface and thermally insulates the wall to make internal air conditioning and energy saving more efficient. Benesserebio® uses natural NHL lime improved with Kerakoll's exclusive geo-binder, combined with the protective function of micronized natural trace salts against salts. These natural components ensure the best mechanical properties of the bioplaster and complete protection from moisture.

  • Heartier: the formula produced exclusively by Benesserebio provides a light, high-volume mixture, which allows you to plaster up to 100% with the same amount of material, i.e. twice the surface compared to traditional drying plasters
  • Greater energy savings: warm bioplaster provides 30% energy savings compared to traditional masonry
  • Warmer and drier: Benesserebio provides a 3°C warmer wall, thus preventing mold in buildings and the formation of unnecessary moisture
  • Stronger temperature vaporization ability: Benesserebio's temperature vaporization ability removes water from the masonry in the form of vapor, 250% more efficiently compared to traditional dehumidifying mortars
  • More fire resistant: thanks to the bulk density of Benesserebio, it has a fire protection effect
  • Bacteriostatic and fungistatic product (CSTB method)
Wrapping Bag 18 kg
Material requirement ≈ 6,5 kg/m2/cm layer thickness
Maximum layer thickness per layer ≈ 4 cm
The smallest possible layer thickness ≈ 1 cm
Layer thickness in case of capillary wetting Minimum 2 cm
Storage ≈ 12 months
High Tech
  • Relatív páradiffúziós ellenállási tényező (μ) 5, EN 1015-19
  • Kapilláris vízszívás W24 ≥ 0,3 kg/m2, EN 1015-18
  • Vízbeszivárgás mélysége 24 óra alatt ≤ 3 mm, EN 1015-18
  • Porózusság ≥ 40%, WTA 2-2-91/D
  • Nyomószilárdság 28 nap elteltével - CS II kategória, EN 998-1
  • Tűzállóság - A1 osztály, EN 13501-1
  • Hővezető képesség (λ10, dry) 0,14 W/(m K), EN 1745
Areas of use

Hőszigetelő, általános használatú biovakolat teherhordó és kitöltő falazatok lélegző és védő vakolásához, minden faltípushoz: kültéri és beltéri tégla, tufa, kő, beton, cellás betonpanelek, fabeton és vegyes falazatok, kültéren és beltéren.

A Benesserebio biovakolat olyan hőmérsékleti nedvesség-mentesítő előnyöket biztosít, amelyek célzottan hatnak a kapilláris nedvesség és a páralecsapódás ellen. Kiküszöböli a falazatok hőveszteségét, megoldja a hőhidak és a penészesedés problámáját.

A Kerakoll Benesserebio különösen alkalmas a bioépítészetben vakolatok készítésére, ahol összetevőinek szigorúan természetes eredete biztosítja az előírt higroszkóposság, porózusság és a fal lélegzőképességének alapvető paramétereit.

A Benesserebio ideális a műemlék-restaurálásnál, ahol a hagyományos elemek, mint a természetes mész, természetes amorf trasz, kő, márvány és gránit választása biztosítja a meglévő struktúrák és az eredeti anyagok tiszteletben tartásával történő állagmegóvó beavatkozásokat.

Ideális csupán belső oldali hőszigetelésként alkalmazva.

Stock and prices

Our online store is open 24/7 and ships Monday through Friday, except for some holidays. Orders received for products without delivery restrictions on the product page will be delivered within 1-3 days if received before 12:00 p.m. In the case of orders placed for products in the suppliers' warehouses, the expected availability time is indicated on the product page, and we deliver according to the indicated time.

In order to provide the best service, we try to keep a stock of the most popular products in our warehouse in Budapest. Such products are labeled "In Stock". These can be collected or delivered within 1-3 days.

All other products must be shipped from the supplier's warehouses. This can take 1-4 weeks (it depends on the manufacturer; please confirm the delivery time with our customer service before ordering). Such products are either marked "In Stock" or require a pre-order together with a request for a quote.

All prices include VAT.

Shipping information

Products available in our warehouse are delivered within 1-3 days.

Products that are not available in our warehouse are first delivered from the manufacturer's warehouse to our warehouse, and then from there to you. Delivery from the manufacturer's warehouse can take 1-4 weeks.

Shipping options available

  • DPD delivery is available throughout Hungary for orders up to 120 kg, costs range from HUF 2,670 to HUF 20,830. The costs are determined based on the weight of the ordered products and are automatically added to your cart at checkout. Dispatch from our warehouse takes place on the working day following the order to ensure fast and safe delivery of your order.
  • On request, we can also provide you with an individual shipping quote (useful for shipments over 120 kg).
  • You can also choose to collect the goods from our warehouse free of charge. 

In the case of orders for other areas of Hungary, the delivery conditions are made according to demand. Please contact us for a quote at or call +3670 55 77 451phone number.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews

To the person who wrote that this is a very badly used, rough product, you should know that this is a primer plaster for which the final plaster (TONACHINO or TONACHINO 00) is prescribed. Download the technical data sheets and the product I use as a professional has given me great results and my clients are happy.

Excellent product

Easy application

Easy to mix and apply

Easy to mix and apply



It meets my expectations

Excellent product

Excellent product, easy to apply and has good adhesion.

I used it to cover the wet wall in the room, I got a great result.

It solved the moisture problems

Definitely the best plaster


It was terrible, rough and at the same time not homogeneous, it was a real headache to lay down. Unfortunately, there are curfews and this was the only one that was available at short notice. Not recommended.

Excellent product

Excellent for plastering basement walls.

It works, it works!!!

Very satisfied, used on very wet walls, so far so good, great.

1 2


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Contact us:

+36 70 55 77 451

Kerakoll Benesserebio

The first thermal wall-drying bio-plaster containing heat cells, which protects your home from all types of moisture and helps save energy.

A natural product for bio-architecture.

What is open-pore heat cell technology?

Greater thermal evaporation performance - Thanks to the thermal gradient of 3 °C between the masonry and the surface of the plaster, as well as the high porosity of the innovative thermal cells, Benesserebio has developed an unprecedented thermal evaporation performance to ensure heat-absorbing dehumidification for all types of walls, masonry and all types of humidity in case of

Warmer surface - Thanks to the innovative heat cells and cell technology, the surface of the plaster heats up by 3 °C, restoring the feeling of comfort and well-being for the home and its residents.

Greater energy savings - The porous surface of the thermostatic and Benesserebio retains heat. in the winter and preserves the coolness in the summer. Thanks to the innovative thermal cells, the thin layer of plaster works like a thermal micro-panel system for the masonry and significantly improves the energy efficiency of the house.

In accordance with mold and condensation prevention - A 3 °C increase in surface temperature and an increase in plaster temperature permanently prevents the risk of mold and internal condensation. Benesserebio is the certified and safe solution for restoring comfort and well-being in your home.

External facades


• Performs rapid temperature dehumidification on the wall

• Solves the problem of salts

• Protects the wall from the elements

Interior walls


• prevents mold and condensation

• makes the indoor environment warmer and healthier

• increases energy efficiency

Basement rooms with retaining walls


• in combination with osmosis waterproofing, it solves the problem of infiltration of water from the ground

• eliminates mold and condensation

• makes the wall warmer and healthier

Advantages on the construction site

✓ A single-component product that ensures the best workability in every application stage.

✓ Easier, smoother to smooth out, faster work, with less effort

✓ Can be applied manually and with machines using general equipment used on construction sites.

✓ Larger output, thus lower shipping costs, more square meters produced

✓ Practical, moisture-protected, 18 kg bag - to reduce fatigue

✓ Natural product for eco-construction


- More abundant: the formula produced exclusively by Benesserebio provides a light, highly abundant mixture, which allows us to plaster up to 100% with the same amount of material, i.e. twice the surface compared to traditional drying plasters
- Greater energy savings: warm bioplaster provides 30% energy savings compared to traditional masonry
- Warmer and drier: Benesserebio provides a 3°C warmer wall, thus preventing mold in buildings and the formation of unnecessary moisture
Stronger temperature vaporization ability: Benesserebio's temperature vaporization ability removes water from the masonry in the form of vapor, 250% more efficiently compared to traditional dehumidifying mortars
- More fire-resistant: thanks to the bulk density of Benesserebio, it has a fire protection effect
- Bacteriostatic and fungistatic product (CSTB method)

Warmer surface

Thanks to the innovative heat cell technology, the surface of the plaster heats up by 3 °C, which provides a better feeling of heat to the interior rooms of the house and makes them healthy.

Thermocell technology

The technological heart of the new bio-plaster is the open-pore thermal cell technology, which provides outstanding temperature properties and increases the evaporation capacity.

Cold, wet masonry

All masonry, whether new or old, can be exposed to high levels of moisture and low temperatures, causing the wall to lose its original protective function and causing a dangerous decline in the healthy well-being previously provided by the home.

It prevents the formation of mold and condensation

If you increase the surface temperature of the plaster by 3 °C, it permanently prevents the risk of mold formation and internal condensation. benesserebio® is a certified, safe solution to make your house comfortable and healthy again.

Greater energy savings

The thermostatic, porous surface of benesserebio retains heat in winter and coolness in summer. Thanks to the innovative heat cells, the thin layer of bioplaster works as a micro-version of the board thermal insulation system on the masonry and significantly improves the energy efficiency of the house.

Higher thermal evaporation capacity

Thanks to the thermal gradient provided by the innovative thermal cells and the high degree of porosity, benesserebio® has developed an unparalleled thermal vaporization ability to provide thermal dehumidification for all types of walls and all types of moisture.

benesserebio: the heat that dries the walls and thus saves energy

A solution for all types of walls and all types of moisture

benesserebio is the first warm, thermal moisture-relieving organic plaster that provides a permanent solution for moisture-laden during the generation of masonry and the prevention of condensation.

benesserebio bio-plaster provides thermal moisture-relieving benefits that have a targeted effect on absorbed moisture and against condensation in different areas of the wall, from parts in contact with the ground to parts in contact with structural elements and air.

benesserebio provides the beneficial effects of heat therapy, without having to resort to external thermal insulation systems, repairs thermal bridges, thus preventing the appearance of molds and fungi on the wall, and over time, significant energy savings provides.

The secret of thermal moisture removal: heat cells

All masonry, whether new or old, can be exposed to high levels of moisture and low temperatures, causing the wall to lose its original it causes a dangerous decrease in its protective function and the healthy well-being previously provided by the apartment. The technological heart of the new bio-plaster is the open-pore thermal cell technology, which provides excellent temperature properties and increases the evaporation capacity.

benesserebio bio-plaster mainly consists of super-breathable natural pure lime, natural active ingredients and eco-pores provided by recycled fillers according to an exclusive formula created in the research and development laboratories of Kerakoll GreenLab.

benesserebio is a revolutionary, enhanced thermal dehumidification bio-plaster that can successfully deal with large amounts of moisture absorbed from the ground and condensation, as the innovative thermal cell healthy technology is activated in contact with air and retains heat, thus reducing the surface temperature of the wall by 3 °C- increases with

Operating principles of thermal dehumidification

benesserebio is the first bioplaster that is based on thermal dehumidification, that is, on the revolutionary principle that definitively solves both the problem of walls exposed to capillary dampness and the problem of mold and condensation in apartments, and thus restores the ideal well-being in interior rooms condition.

After opening the package and mixing the product with water, as well as after application, benesserebio starts to dry by activating the cells and reaches the ideal temperature in 28 days. This is how the process of open-pore thermal dehumidification and deep restoration begins on any type of old, wet, salty masonry exposed to capillary permeation.

The thermal evaporation capability developed by the thermal cell green technology ensures that 12.5 liters of water are continuously extracted from the wall per day and released into the environment in the form of water vapor.

The thermal cell wellness technology increases the surface temperature of the wall by 3 °C in a uniform, controlled manner, thus ensuring that mold, fungi and bacteria are unable to settle and spread on the walls. The temperature increase of the plaster prevents surface condensation: benesserebio behaves like a micro-version of the real board thermal insulation system and can replace external thermal insulation boards in the prevention of condensation on walls affected by increased moisture and thermal bridges, thus permanently solving all surface condensation problems.

Benesserebio: protects against cold and heat

benesserebio's thermal dehumidification technology not only ensures healthy living spaces, but also insulates and protects buildings. Thanks to its exceptional temperature properties, they lead to annual savings of 14,000 kWh**.

The homogeneous multi-cell structure protects the walls from the cold in the winter and from the heat in the summer.

The thermal insulation property of benesserebio provides a huge temperature phase shift, so it can dampen the temperature difference inside the building. fluctuations, dampens the effects of external weather conditions, thus ensuring the best feeling of well-being in the apartment, as well as actual energy savings through both winter and summer air conditioning.

Benesserebio: extreme generosity on the construction site

The revolutionary formula of benesserebio provides 55% to 100% better satiety than the general products available on the market.

benesserebio in its practical, moisture-protected 18 kg package is easy to use by hand or machine, with normal tools used on construction sites, and provides workability properties never seen before. Try it and feel the difference!

Kerakoll - The GreenBuilding Company

About Kerakoll

In the increasingly important world of sustainable building materials and eco-friendly practices, Kerakoll plays a pioneering role in the industry.

Founded in 1968, the Italian company has become a global leader in the production of adhesives, sealants and other construction materials, while remaining committed to environmental protection.

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