Next-Level tile adhesive: Kerakoll Biogel's victory!

Discover the amazing power of Gel technology in tile adhesives! This game changes hard laying jobs.

Kerakoll's Planogel Rheo self-spreading gel provides a smooth, even base every time. And when Kerakoll Biogel is combined with adhesive gels, the result is unbeatable: perfectly flat tiles and excellent wettability. This kind of durability makes even the most difficult conditions look like walking shoes. This is tiling taken to the next level!

Kerakoll Biogel No Limits

16.950 Ft

Exclusive Kerakoll Biogel No Limits geo-binding material-based structural, flexible, multi-purpose adhesive gel for gluing all types of materials, on all substrates, for any application. Eco‑compatible.

The first gel adhesive with the longest workability and fast adhesion!

Structural, flexible, multi-purpose gel adhesive that bonds all kinds of materials to all types of substrates and for all applications, even under extreme conditions.

  • Liquid and thixotropic mixture: Thanks to the variable rheology, the Biogel No Limits mixture is both thixotropic and liquid, so it always ensures maximum ease of use and complete wetting.
  • Multipurpose: an ideal solution for all needs, it always provides maximum performance with all kinds of materials, formats and on all kinds of substrates.
  • Calibrated and verified performance: adhesive performance
    it was set by Kerakoll, measured for real and verified needs with strict tests, so that the service life measured in the laboratory also appears on the construction site.
  • Full back saturation
  • High deformability
  • It is particularly suitable for laying large sheets

High Tech

  • Shear strength (stoneware/stoneware) after 28 days ≥ 2.5 N/mm2, ANSI A-118.4
  • Adhesion strength (concrete/stone tile) after 28 days ≥ 2.5 N/mm2, EN 12004-2
  • Vertical slip ≤ 0.5 mm, EN 12004-2
  • Transverse deformation ≥ 2.5 mm, EN 12004-2
  • Temperature tolerance between -40 °C and +90 °C

Areas of use

Sockets No Limits: 
Existing tiles, waterproofing products, underfloor heating systems, cement screeds, asphalt, screeds, concrete, plasterboard, fibre-reinforced cement boards, gypsum and anhydrite, aerated concrete elements, brick, lime and cement plasters, board systems, insulation boards, step-resistant rolls, wood, metal, PVC

Materials No Limits:
Stoneware tiles, laminated stoneware tiles, thin tiles, ceramic tiles, large ceramic tiles, marble tiles - natural stones, converted materials, glass mosaics, glass tiles, heat and sound insulators, terracotta - clinker

Applications No Limits:
Adhesive and leveler, for floors and walls, indoors - outdoors, for gluing to existing coverings, terraces and balconies, facades, swimming pools and fountains, saunas and wellness centers, residential, commercial, industrial, street furniture

Wrapping Bag 25 kg
Material requirement Gray (mixing ratio 32%) ≈ 1.25 kg/m2/mm
Shockingly white (mixing ratio 33%) ≈ 1.25 kg/m2/mm
Storage ≈ 12 months

Kerakoll Planogel Rheo

19.100 Ft

Self-spreading leveling gel with variable rheology and viscosity. Longer workability and reduced waiting time before tiling.

The innovative formula with low environmental impact and high-tech raw materials allows the user to control the fluidity of the mixture by connecting and adjusting the controllability of the iron and the outstanding fluidity. Kerakoll Planogel Rheo is ideal for application on any type of adhesive substrate and any covering.

Wrapping 25 kg bag
Material requirement ≈ 1.6 kg/m2/mm
Storage ≈ 12 months

Kerakoll Active Prime Fix

6.050 Ft

Universal, quick adhesion booster for self-leveling subfloor levelers, cement-based adhesives, screeds and plasters. One-component, water-based, for indoor and outdoor use.

The mesh formation of Kerakoll Active Prime FIX ensures full compatibility with absorbent and non-absorbent substrates, guaranteeing maximum adhesion when applying the following cement, gypsum or lime-based mineral products.

Wrapping 1 kg bottle - 5 kg buckets - 25 kg can
Material requirement ≈ 0.1–0.2 kg/m 2
Storage ≈ 12 months

Select featured product

Kerakoll Biogel No Limits: Kizárólagos geo‑kötanyag alapúszerkezeti, rugalmas, több célú ragasztó gél minden anyagtípushoz, minden aljzaton, bármilyen alkalmazásnál való ragasztásához
Kerakoll Biogel No Limits
Kerakoll Biogel No Limits
16.950 Ft17.350 Ft
Kerakoll Biogel Extreme: Ultra deformálható, ultra bedolgozható, mindent ragasztó hibrid gélragasztó
Kerakoll Biogel Extreme
Kerakoll Biogel Extreme
39.650 Ft
A Kerakoll Biogel Ready rugalmas vagy deformálódó aljzatokon átlósan is gyors és biztonságos lerakást garantálva fokozott rugalmasságot és hosszú igazítási időt biztosít.
Kerakoll Biogel Ready
33.200 Ft
Kerakoll Biogel Revolution: Szerkezeti, rugalmas, többcélú ragasztó gél
Kerakoll Biogel Revolution
Kerakoll Biogel Revolution
24.850 Ft25.100 Ft
We have the right solution for every construction-related problem.
Alapfelületek előkészítése
Preparation of base surfaces
Dekorálás: festékek, bevonatok és lakkok
Decoration: paints, coatings and varnishes
Falazat kiszárítása hővel
Drying masonry with heat
Thermal insulation
Javítás és szerkezeti megerősítés ‑ földrengésbiztos
Repair and structural reinforcement - earthquake proof
Kerámia és terméskő burkolás
Ceramic and natural stone tiling
Parketta, rugalmas padlók és ipari műgyantaburkolatok lerakása
Laying parquet, flexible floors and industrial synthetic resin coverings
Természetes rendszerek
Natural systems
Építés és felületkialakítás
Construction and surface design

Kerakoll Design

Kerakoll Design is an integrated project that incorporates innovative materials - synthetic resin, cement, hand-crafted wood, micro-coatings, paints and glazes - coordinated in a single color palette.

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