Kerakoll Fugalite és Fugalite Bio kivonva: Bemutatkozik az új Fugalite Color Fill

Kerakoll Fugalite and Fugalite Bio removed: Introducing the new Fugalite Color Fill

A Masterworks Hungary Kft proudly distributes the premium quality products of Kerakoll in Hungary, which represent the highest standards in construction and renovation projects. We now share exciting news: the Kerakoll Fugalite and Kerakoll Fugalite Bio grouting materials have been discontinued, and they have been replaced by the innovative Kerakoll Fugalite Color Fill, which elevates performance and aesthetics to a new level.


Kerakoll Fugalite Color egy díszítő vízálló műgyanta kerámiák, mozaikok és természetes kövek fugázásához és ragasztásához.


Why choose Fugalite Color Fill?

Kerakoll Fugalite Color Fill is a decorative, waterproof resin grout and adhesive that guarantees functionality and impeccable appearance. Whether ceramic tiles, mosaics or natural stones, this product offers unparalleled quality and versatility.



Key features and benefits

  • Stain resistance and easy cleaning: You can forget about stubborn stains! Fugalite Color Fill is stain resistant, so your surfaces always stay clean and like new.
  • Waterproof and durable: Thanks to its completely waterproof and stain-resistant design, the grout is ideal for high-traffic areas, wet environments and outdoor use.
  • Antibacterial and anti-mold properties: The product effectively inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold, making it a perfect choice for kitchens, bathrooms and other hygienic rooms.
  • Wide color selection: You can choose from 50 modern shades to perfectly match any design concept.
  • Certified Durability: Tested for outdoor applications, it provides durable color fastness that resists the effects of weather and sunlight.


Areas of use

Kerakoll Fugalite Color Fill is ideal for joint gaps between 0 and 10 mm and has excellent chemical and mechanical resistance. An excellent choice for gluing mosaics, tiles and stones in both residential and industrial environments. In addition, it complies with the HACCP/EC 852/2004 standard, so it can also be used in food-safe places.


Transition to the new product

As the Kerakoll Fugalite and Fugalite Bio products are being discontinued, we encourage our customers to try the benefits offered by Fugalite Color Fill. This new product perfectly reflects Kerakoll's high quality standards and supports your projects with numerous new features to ensure they succeed as best as possible.

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We have the right solution for every construction-related problem.
Alapfelületek előkészítése
Preparation of base surfaces
Dekorálás: festékek, bevonatok és lakkok
Decoration: paints, coatings and varnishes
Falazat kiszárítása hővel
Drying masonry with heat
Thermal insulation
Javítás és szerkezeti megerősítés ‑ földrengésbiztos
Repair and structural reinforcement - earthquake proof
Kerámia és terméskő burkolás
Ceramic and natural stone tiling
Parketta, rugalmas padlók és ipari műgyantaburkolatok lerakása
Laying parquet, flexible floors and industrial synthetic resin coverings
Természetes rendszerek
Natural systems
Építés és felületkialakítás
Construction and surface design

Kerakoll Design

Kerakoll Design is an integrated project that incorporates innovative materials - synthetic resin, cement, hand-crafted wood, micro-coatings, paints and glazes - coordinated in a single color palette.