Introducing the Kerakoll Tetra product line: The future of construction sealants

In the world of constantly developing building materials and techniques, the Kerakoll Tetra product line stands out for its innovation. Building on the expertise of the GreenLab research center, Kerakoll offers a series of high-performance sealants that are adapted to all materials and applications. Let's see what makes this product line truly unique.

What is the Tetra series?

The Tetra range is a collection of premium sealants designed for a wide range of surfaces including concrete, aluminium, wood, plasterboard, ceramic screed, plaster, glass and brick. No matter what material you are working with, Tetra sealant is ready for flawless performance.

Kerakoll Tetra termekcsalad - A nagy teljesítményű tömítőanyagok választéka minden aljzathoz és alkalmazáshoz.

A range of high-performance sealants for every substrate and application.

Compatible substrates

concrete, aluminum, wood, plasterboard, ceramics, tiles, plaster, glass, brick.

Introducing Tetra technology

The star of excellence of the product line is the Tetra Polymer technology. The innovative recommendation of the Kerakoll GreenLab research center is this amorphous, high-molecular-weight hybrid polymer with an advanced long-chain chemical structure. The benefits? Increased work capacity, minimal environmental impact and maximum safety for professionals.

The technology is based on four principles:

  1. Elasticity : The extreme elasticity of Tetra sealants ensures that they can deform even under heavy loads without compromising the integrity of the system.
  2. Adhesion : Tetra guarantees maximum sealing and stability, regardless of the raw material.
  3. Toughness : The Tetra product range is characterized by excellent resistance to static and dynamic loads, thanks to the high toughness of the polymer.
  4. Durability : Tetra products are not only durable, but also resistant to UV radiation.

The focus is on Tetra products

Kerakoll Tetra Seal

6.450 Ft

Purpose: Ideal for joints subject to strong expansion.

Features: Extremely flexible, can be painted over, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, high UV and abrasion resistance, low modulus of elasticity.

Application: Perfect for sealing floor and facade expansion joints, concrete facade joints, and metal or wooden structures, including windows and doors.

Kerakoll Tetra Tack

6.450 Ft

Purpose: Flexible hybrid adhesive with immediate setting.

Features: Higher suction effect, compatible with all materials and ensures constant flexibility.

Application: Suitable for gluing parts (even those under stress), decorative elements, plasterboards, stair coverings, kitchen counters, plinths and building elements without initial supports.

Kerakoll Tetra Fix

4.850 Ft

Purpose: Versatile flexible hybrid adhesive sealant suitable for all building materials.

Features: Fast bonding, can be painted over and offers a 'real crystal effect' in the Crystal version.

Application: Suitable for flexible sealing and gluing of various construction elements, such as plinths, stair coverings and panels.

It is also worth noting that Tetra products are odorless, perfectly paintable and compatible even with wet building materials.

In a nutshell, the Kerakoll Tetra product line revolutionizes the world of construction sealants. Whether you are a professional looking for reliable solutions or a homeowner looking for durable sealants, the Tetra range promises unmatched performance every time. Seize the opportunities offered by the Kerakoll Tetra product line!

Select featured product

A Kerakoll Tetra Seal egy erősen rugalmas tömítőanyag, amely tökéletes az erős tágulással járó fugákhoz.
Kerakoll Tetra Seal
6.450 Ft
A könnyen használható, többcélú Kerakoll Tetra Fix minden anyagot ragaszt és tömít, szárazon és nedvesen egyaránt.
Kerakoll Tetra Fix
4.850 Ft
A Kerakoll Hyperflex PU az egyedülálló Flexigrid 3.0 Technology‑nak köszönhetően különösen alkalmas bármilyen anyag bármilyen felületen való rugalmas tömítésére és ragasztására, nehéz körülmények között is.
Kerakoll Hyperflex PU
7.500 Ft
Öntáguló hab a töltéshez és a rögzítéshez, a Kerakoll Hyper Foam M a nedvességgel és levegővel érintkezve polimerizálódik.
Kerakoll Hyper Foam M
4.050 Ft
Kerakoll Hyper Foam Clean
Kerakoll Hyper Foam Clean
4.050 Ft
A Kerakoll Hyper Foam Fire M tűzálló fugák tömítésére és kitöltésére használható. Extrudálható adagolópisztollyal.
Kerakoll Hyper Foam Fire M
8.550 Ft
We have the right solution for every construction-related problem.
Alapfelületek előkészítése
Preparation of base surfaces
Dekorálás: festékek, bevonatok és lakkok
Decoration: paints, coatings and varnishes
Falazat kiszárítása hővel
Drying masonry with heat
Thermal insulation
Javítás és szerkezeti megerősítés ‑ földrengésbiztos
Repair and structural reinforcement - earthquake proof
Kerámia és terméskő burkolás
Ceramic and natural stone tiling
Parketta, rugalmas padlók és ipari műgyantaburkolatok lerakása
Laying parquet, flexible floors and industrial synthetic resin coverings
Természetes rendszerek
Natural systems
Építés és felületkialakítás
Construction and surface design

Kerakoll Design

Kerakoll Design is an integrated project that incorporates innovative materials - synthetic resin, cement, hand-crafted wood, micro-coatings, paints and glazes - coordinated in a single color palette.

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