Brand: ARDEX 🇩🇪

Szilikon tömítőanyag

7.900 Ft
Color:Stone gray
Size:310 ml
Beszállítói készleten, rendelési idő 3-5 nap.

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The ARDEX SE silicone sealant is made with a fungicidal additive and an acetic acid cross-linking formula. It is ideal for the flexible sealing of expansion joints, corner joints, and connection joints in both indoor and outdoor applications.

Easily injectable and spreadable, it has excellent adhesion properties. It is resistant to weather effects, UV radiation, and conventional cleaning and disinfecting agents.

  • Silicone sealant with fungicide additive (acidic cross-linked)
  • Flexible sealing of expansion, corner, and connection joints in indoor and outdoor areas.
  • Easily injectable and smoothable
  • Excellent adhesion properties
  • It withstands weather effects, UV radiation, as well as conventional household cleaning and disinfecting agents available on the market.
Wrapping net 310 ml cartridges, which are
They are packaged in 12 and 20 pieces.
Material requirement in the case of a 10 x 10 mm joint
approx. 3.0 linear meters per cartridge
in the case of a 5 x 5 mm joint
approx. 12.0 linear meters per cartridge
Storage ≈ 24 months
Areas of use
  • Bel- és kültérben, falra és padlóra.
  • Dilatációs-, sarok- és csatlakozófugák rugalmas lezárása fürdőszobákban, zuhanyozókban és WC-kben, lakóterek kerámia burkolataihoz, ajtókhoz, ablakokhoz és beépített elemekhez, erkélyek, teraszok és homlokzatok kerámia burkolataihoz.
  • Nem alkalmazható savakra érzékeny aljzatokhoz (pl. tüzihorganyzott fém felületeken), rugalmas padlóburkolatokhoz, illetve parketta padlókhoz.
Stock and prices

Our online store is open 24/7 and ships Monday through Friday, except for some holidays. Orders received for products without delivery restrictions on the product page will be delivered within 1-3 days if received before 12:00 p.m. In the case of orders placed for products in the suppliers' warehouses, the expected availability time is indicated on the product page, and we deliver according to the indicated time.

In order to provide the best service, we try to keep a stock of the most popular products in our warehouse in Budapest. Such products are labeled "In Stock". These can be collected or delivered within 1-3 days.

All other products must be shipped from the supplier's warehouses. This can take 1-4 weeks (it depends on the manufacturer; please confirm the delivery time with our customer service before ordering). Such products are either marked "In Stock" or require a pre-order together with a request for a quote.

All prices include VAT.

Shipping Information

Products available in our warehouse are delivered within 1-3 days.

Products that are not available in our warehouse are first delivered from the manufacturer's warehouse to our warehouse, and then from there to you. Delivery from the manufacturer's warehouse can take 1-4 weeks.

Shipping options available

  • DPD delivery is available throughout Hungary for orders up to 120 kg, costs range from HUF 2,670 to HUF 20,830. The costs are determined based on the weight of the ordered products and are automatically added to your cart at checkout. Dispatch from our warehouse takes place on the working day following the order to ensure fast and safe delivery of your order.
  • On request, we can also provide you with an individual shipping quote (useful for shipments over 120 kg).
  • You can also choose to collect the goods from our warehouse free of charge. 

In the case of orders for other areas of Hungary, the delivery conditions are made according to demand. Please contact us for a quote at or call +3670 55 77 451phone number.

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Ardex kutatas technologia


- Gombaölő adalékkal ellátott szilikon tömítőanyag
(ecetsavas térhálósodású)
- Dilatációs-, sarok- és csatlakozófugák rugalmas
lezárása kül- és beltérben
- Könnyen injektálható és simítható
- Kiváló tapadási tulajdonságok
- Ellenáll az időjárási hatásoknak, az
- UV-sugárzásnak, valamint a kereskedelemben kapható szokványos háztartási tisztító- és fertőtlenítő szereknek

Ardex termekek

Ardex Group

The global leader in high-performance construction products.

ARDEX has been a brand representing unparalleled quality in the construction industry for over 60 years. The family-owned business has a global reach spanning 50 countries and represents the pinnacle of high-quality building materials. Trust ARDEX for excellence and reliability.

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