Have questions? Call +3670 55 77 451 or write to hello@masterworks.hu 🇭🇺
The external thermal insulation system provides many advantages for the building and ensures a more comfortable living feeling in all seasons. Effectively eliminates the thermal bridges responsible for the formation of indoor condensation and mold. In the case of thermal insulation systems, special attention must be paid to the choice of surface preparation, as this fundamentally affects the durability and proper functioning of the system.
The decorative system consisting of Kerakover Acrilex Fondo and Kerakover Kompact products guarantees exceptional water resistance, flexibility and impact resistance thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, while providing effective protection against environmental influences and mold formation. The easy-to-apply decoration provides an aesthetically uniform and refined appearance.
+36 70 55 77 451
[Újjáépítés alatt]
Radnóti Miklós u. 23
1137 Budapest
Samer & Co Shipping Ltd
Lőrinci Road 154
"E" building
2220 Vecsés