Have questions? Call +3670 55 77 451 or write to hello@masterworks.hu 🇭🇺
Renovating facades in poor condition with synthetic paint or coatings can often be a complicated and expensive process. Removal of old paint layers and coatings is essential, even if they are firmly adhered.
The use of Rasobuild Eco Fino reinforced screed and Rinforzo V 50 reinforcing mesh significantly simplifies restoration work while reducing costs. This solution not only allows you to restore the plane of the facade, but also restores the richness of the original texture.
The Kerakover Kompact Pittura decoration system offers excellent protection against the effects of the weather thanks to the fillers, microparticles, binders and water-repellent silanes used. Furthermore, it effectively prevents the formation of mold, algae and other fungi, while providing an aesthetically attractive and durable surface.
+36 70 55 77 451
[Újjáépítés alatt]
Radnóti Miklós u. 23
1137 Budapest
Samer & Co Shipping Ltd
Lőrinci Road 154
"E" building
2220 Vecsés